The Retirement Transformed Podcast

The Retirement Transformed Podcast

Hosted by: Mark and Jody Rollins

Hosts Mark and Jody Rollins, Founders of Retirement Transformed, discuss a range of topics (except financial advice) for post career individuals who have built their identity around their business and professional...


#32: Healthy Habits for a Happy Retirement

Season #1

We've all formed habits in our life. Some good, some bad. Retirement gives us the opportunity to evaluate the habits we have formed and make changes so we can take control of creating a successful and happy next phase...
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#31: Your Time is your Own! Now what?

Season #1

We all know the concept of financial affluence, but what about the concept of time affluence? We read a blog post by Fritz Gilbert and it got us thinking about this concept of time as an asset. We are sharing the...
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#30: Strengthen your Relationship in 10 Easy Steps

Season #1

Relationships can be tested in retirement. You may find you have more time with your partner or spouse than you've ever had before. Or you might get into some challenging discussions over retirement plans and what you...
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#29: Take your Retirement from OK to Great!

Season #1

Do you feel like life in retirement is worse than when you were working? (You aren't alone!) Or maybe you just feel a little stuck in the feeling of "Is this all there is?" Today we are sharing 5 key strategies to...
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#28: Declare the Retirement you Want!

Season #1

Retirement planning can be challenging and it can take some time for you to figure out what you want out of your retirement phase of life. But if you keep those ideas and goals to yourself, you will find your...
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#27: Effective Efforts for a Successful Retirement

Season #1

 You may be putting effort into your retirement, but is your effort effective? We know you want to be getting the most out of the efforts you are putting into your retirement life, so today we are giving you 6 key...
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#26: The Importance of Curiosity in Retirement

Season #1

Today we are talking about Curiosity in Retirement and 4 reasons that having this mindset will benefit you in the long run. We also provide 5 steps to kickstart a curious mindset! Referenced:Think Again: The Power of...
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#25: The 7 Types of Rest

Season #1

Are rest and sleep the same thing? Most of us think that in order to be well rested, it's important to get a certain number of hours of sleep. But while sleep is part of rest, there are many different types of rest...
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#24: Are you Really Listening?

Season #1

A major part of living a retirement transformed, includes having the best relationship possible with your partner or spouse. They are typically the person you will be with the most during this phase of your life. You...
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#23: Who's Holding you Accountable?

Season #1

In today's episode we discuss why having an accountability partner in retirement is so crucial to successfully achieving your retirement goals. We also as part of our retirement tips, give you suggestions for finding...
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#22: How we Decided to Move to Marco Island Florida

Season #1

After our popular podcast on Downsizing in Retirement (link below to our YouTube) we have had many listeners ask us what our process was when deciding on a location to retire and how we decided to move to Marco Island...
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#21: Staying Relevant at Any Age!

Season #1

After leaving a long career or raising your family, you can find that it might be a challenge to stay relevant in retirement. In today's episode we are talking about how to stay relevant as we get older and provide 7...
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